Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Wake Up!

It has been quite a while...

the thing that has been sitting in front of me, around me... has been the notion of "brand" and "branding" - not so much from the corporate perspective - though that may actually not be true - but more from the personal / self / resume / cv perspective...
"Personal Brand" has been something that a number of folks have been writing about for many years...

i have learned recently that it has played behind the scenes for me for some time and i'm only now really becoming conscious of it...

Our “brand” is what people see or feel or think they know about us before they meet us… and it is either changed or reinforced when they meet us and get closer to us.

I like to think of my “brand” as my “wake”… see, we all leave a “wake” … a disturbance in the water as we pass through… an impact on those around us… our environment… and that “wake” is often the real first impression folks get of us. We all know we can act a certain way in front of certain people… and so our “1st impression” is rarely when we physically meet someone for the first time but more often it happens with our “wake”.

So, I’ve been thinking about the “wake” I’ve been leaving… and how it has made me conscious of my actions towards others, my work, or whatever… it’s changing me… in a good way, I hope.