Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Getting Stronger

i had one of "THOSE" days today... you know the one... you get to the gym slightly off your normal time... someone is at the rack you want to use (dont they KNOW THAT IT IS MY RACK AND MY TIME!!!)... i had that day... the bar felt really heavy...the pulls felt way too hard on way too light weight... my feet wouldn't set "right"... i just couldnt hold good solid position... my back muscles just seemed to not want to fire... it was like i was moving through molasses - nothing moved quickly..

You know those days... nothing feels right and you just dont feel strong... so you just want to pack up the gear and head back home...

But you don't...

from experience you know that the NEXT time will be much better and that the times before have been "right"... so you trust in the process and move forward - slowly, ugly, forward (that's how it felt today)... so you keep moving forward...

and, strangely, THAT makes you stronger - the self-discipline that makes you keep at it, that drives you to finish the workout - to suck SOMETHING out of what feels like a waste... the decision you made to get to the gym becomes a commitment to yourself that you will not break... and that makes you stronger - KNOWING that even when it just sucks, you can still finish...

that builds your strength... your Will... i believe that the weight leaves the ground through force of will as much as through the muscles...

it's the same thing in business - there are days where things just suck - paperwork, bureaucracy, clients, employees, the competition, new federal rules, not getting paid... there are any number of things that happen that make you wish you could get back to bed... you question why you chose this in the first place... you wonder what you did wrong to deserve this... you just want to get off the wheel today...

But you don't... and you get stronger... better... more determined... just keep moving forward...

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